Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Lighting Test

Polypainting Progress

 These where the kind of colours I was interested in for my creature.

Start of polypainting process.


  • Ear fronds bent downwards to flow with the back headpiece 
  • Side tubes to start higher up at head base
  • Side tubes thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom
  • Side tubes blend into chest
  • More defined jawline
  • Thicker head
  • More defined mouth 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Formative Assessment Description of Character

Abaia is a magical eel creature from Melanasian mythology. Abaia lives in a freshwater lake. He considers all water creatures his children and protects them furiously against anyone who would harm them.

My take on Abaia is a little different to the original myth but keeps the same idealologies. Abaia belongs in the water category in the Gloaming universe. Instead of Abaia only existing once and then dying, Abaia is constantly reborn after his deaths. From his remains an egg forms. The egg hatches the new Abaia. Although the process is a quick one (one month exactly) during this time is when the waterfolk are at their weakest. 

Each version of Abaia is slightly different in appearance but he always continues the same role -protecting all water creatures.

He is a fatherly figure to all waterfolk but his loving nature is not to be messed with as he can be extremely dangerous if one of his family is threatened.

Although the rest of the waterfolk look up to Abaia he considers himself a second class citizen in comparison. He lives at the bottom of the lake -this is a visual representation of how he thinks the waterfolk heirarchy is structured.

Keeping to the Melanasian mythology, Abaia's design is heavely based on eels. (Other animal influences include humans and Sea Dragons.) 

His three head pieces are similar to eel's bodies. They are thick armor-like slabs which protect the most vulnerable sections of his neck. These can move but don't usually because of their already ideal placement. 

Abaia has webbed hands to help with his swimming.

Abaia's lower body is based on a fish body. He has a very large tail fin to help swim faster and longer distances.

On each side of his face he has antennae. The anntennae senses movement and sound from great distances and can also sense what direction they are coming from.

Abaia's colouring will be brown, muddy colours. This is so he can easily disguise himself at the bottom of his lake.